Christmas Break

This first semester has flown by, all too quickly reminding me of this truth,  “Our life is but a vapor – here today and gone tomorrow.”  It’s a constant reminder for me to invest myself fully into each day, giving my all to those whom I am with.  Your children worked diligently this last nine weeks, and we covered many topics, including poetry.  In this nine weeks alone, your child wrote a Tercet Poem, an Acrostic Poem, a Sensory Poem, an Object Poem, and a Couplet Poem – as well as experimented creating Word Art and/or Subway Art. I am very passionate about teaching our children the Art of Writing, and in order to be excellent writers, they need to be experienced and avid readers – They go hand in hand – best friends even.  I also believe that the more you do of anything – the better you get at it – as long as you are being steered and directed through the process. You cannot learn to drive a car with it sitting in park, and neither can our children learn to write – unless they are writing.  Encourage them at home to both read or write, and they will become creators of masterpieces – I’m quite certain.  We had an 100% “passing rate” by STAAR score standards on our Benchmark testing for my Resource Reading/Writing classes!!!!  I am relentlessly pushing them for excellence and want to see them strive to reach “Accomplished” on their STAAR tests in the Spring!!!!!  They can do it!

May your Holidays be peaceful, harmonious, and full of God’s grace and favor.
See you January 9th!

Mrs. Griffith


Photo Creds: Eden Small


“Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.”

― Dinah Maria Mulock Craik, A Life For A Life

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