7th/8th Grade Art Class with Ms. G. – Week of August 26th

Mixoos: Mixer Panel for Adobe Photoshop

7th/8th Grade Art Class with Ms. G.

Monday – August 26

    • Sketch Warm-Up 1.4
    • Color Theory Lesson 1.1
    • Label the Color Wheel with Ms. G.

    Homework – Bring an Old T-shirt to use as your Smock for Color Mixing!!!!!!!

Tuesday – August 27

  • Sketch Warm-Up 1.5
  • Watch me mix 3 Primary colors to achieve 12 different shades. 
  • Project Color Mixing – Design/Make your own Color Wheel

Wednesday – August 28

  • Sketch Warm-Up 1.6
  • Project Color Mixing – Design/Make your own Color Wheel

Thursday – August 29

  • Sketch Warm-Up 1.7
  • Project Color Mixing – Design/Make your own Color Wheel 

FridaySeptember 30

  • Sketch Warm-Up 1.8
  • Begin to plan your own color/design scheme for your drawing, using your Color Wheel for each category:
    • a Complimentary Design theme
    • Analogous Design theme
    • Triadic Design theme

***Reminder*** School Holiday on Monday! Enjoy your long weekend!

Disclaimer: Weekly lesson plans may change or be modified based on student progress on any given day.

117 Moving Quotes About Art

7/8 Grade Art Class with Ms. G. – Week of August 19th


7th/8th Grade Art With Ms. Griffith

Monday – August 19

  • Reminders/Announcements/Supply Organization
  • Continue “Get to Know Me Without Words Project”.  Steps 1 & 2  sketching and coloring with your choice of media should be completed by Wednesday, which is the day we will do our photo transfer.
  • If you are finished and ready for step 3 (photo transfer) complete Worksheet 1 for me for a grade.  

Homework – Bring your picture from home by 08-21, so that we can do our photo transfer onto our project.

Tuesday – August 20

  • Continue “Get to Know Me Without Words Project”.  Steps 1 & 2  sketching and coloring with your choice of media should be completed by Wednesday, which is the day we will do our photo transfer.
  • If you are finished and ready for step 3 (photo transfer) complete Worksheet 1 for me for a grade.  

Homework – Bring your picture from home by 08-21, so that we can do our photo transfer onto our project.

Wednesday – August 21

  • Step 3 – Photo Transfer Process
  • If finished, clean up and complete Worksheet 1.
  • Watch video in Google Classroom about the “Art of Sketching”

Thursday – August 22

  • Watch video in Google Classroom about the “Art of Sketching”
  • Practice Sketching – Sketch Exercise 1.1

Friday – August 23

  • Sketch Warm-Up 1.2
  • Color Theory Lesson
  • Watch me mix 3 colors to achieve 12 different shades. You are doing this Monday. 

Homework – Bring an Old T-shirt to use as your Smock for Color Mixing on Monday!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: Weekly lesson plans may change or be modified based on student progress on any given day.

Why every artist needs a paint palette | Gathered

7/8 Grade Art Class with Ms. G. – Week of August 12th

Mrs. Griffith’s 6th Grade Flute Class

Welcome Back to White Oak Middle School for the 2024-25 School Year! I am so excited to be your child’s ART teacher for the year! Parents please make sure students bring all of their supplies by Monday the 19th. If you have any questions, please reach out – I’m always available.

Wednesday – August 14th

  1. Welcome Backs, Introductions & Classroom Expectations
  2. Get to know me activity – using ONLY pictures. No words!
  3. Back to School Pictionary

Thursday – August 15th

  1. Explain Sketching Warm-ups
  2. Color Theory Mini Lesson
  3. Start Painting/Designing Color Wheels

Friday – August 16th

  1. Sketching Warm-up
  2. Finish Making your Color Wheels

HW: Make sure your parent/guardian subscribes to my blog.


Christmas Break

This first semester has flown by, all too quickly reminding me of this truth,  “Our life is but a vapor – here today and gone tomorrow.”  It’s a constant reminder for me to invest myself fully into each day, giving my all to those whom I am with.  Your children worked diligently this last nine weeks, and we covered many topics, including poetry.  In this nine weeks alone, your child wrote a Tercet Poem, an Acrostic Poem, a Sensory Poem, an Object Poem, and a Couplet Poem – as well as experimented creating Word Art and/or Subway Art. I am very passionate about teaching our children the Art of Writing, and in order to be excellent writers, they need to be experienced and avid readers – They go hand in hand – best friends even.  I also believe that the more you do of anything – the better you get at it – as long as you are being steered and directed through the process. You cannot learn to drive a car with it sitting in park, and neither can our children learn to write – unless they are writing.  Encourage them at home to both read or write, and they will become creators of masterpieces – I’m quite certain.  We had an 100% “passing rate” by STAAR score standards on our Benchmark testing for my Resource Reading/Writing classes!!!!  I am relentlessly pushing them for excellence and want to see them strive to reach “Accomplished” on their STAAR tests in the Spring!!!!!  They can do it!

May your Holidays be peaceful, harmonious, and full of God’s grace and favor.
See you January 9th!

Mrs. Griffith


Photo Creds: Eden Small


“Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.”

― Dinah Maria Mulock Craik, A Life For A Life

The First 9 weeks: In The Books

This first nine weeks at WOMS is in the books! In preparation for writing poetry the second nine weeks, one of the topics that we’ve been studying in my ELA classes is Figurative Language.  To show them how fast the year goes by, I gave students this metaphor: If the year were a dollar, then we’d only have .75 cents left! This thought kind of blew the kids minds!  We really can’t believe the first 9 weeks is over!


A favorite activity this 9 weeks is Scrabble Bingo! We play Scrabble Bingo to study our Vocabulary and Spelling Words:

Parents I encourage you to look for creative ways for your students to study spelling and vocabulary words at home. Here are a few outside of the box examples: Write them in shaving cream, write them on a foggy mirror, use a dry erase maker and write them on surfaces, or scribble them into the sand.


Another favorite day in the fall at WOMS is Thursdays, Middle School Pep Rally Days!!! Students AND teachers alike have fun dressing up with each weeks themes! Here are a few of the most recent themes. “Dress Up Like Your Favorite Music”, “Rhyme Without Reason/Twin Day”, and “Pink Out!”




Identifying Character Traits

This week we learned how to identify character traits, specifically focusing on a character’s internal feelings or personality traits. This also allowed us an opportunity to focus on identifying some of our own internal feelings.



How cute are these little 3D printable Emoji’s we used to help us identify emotions. The students loved them and now want their own set!



We also had our first JH Pep Rally and game and the 6th graders were able to attend their first every Pep Rally and show school spirit! Please continue to encourage your students to read at home for at least 30 minutes every night. I’m already seeing progress!

Ms. G.

Find Me

I feel you in the morning sunshine,
in the breath of autumn's call.

I hear you in the ocean tide, 
the strumming beat of my rise and fall.

I see you in the Eastern sky 
and down in the deep's of canyon's low.

In the winds and the storms of my life,
you covered me with gentle snow.

I taste the dew of your forever love,
the sustaining grace to carry on.

Come touch my heart in the dark of night,
Unfreeze my passion gone.

You'll find me in the tulip gardens, 
or among the songs of the cypress trees.

I need your water -- bid me grow --
until then I'll be waiting here --- for me.

February's Poem from "A Year in Words"
Written by Amanda Griffith 

Begin Anew

Begin Anew

Begin anew with me and dance once again —
Along life’s narrow pathway around every brook and glen.

Begin anew with me and sing the night away —
Beneath the dimming star’s duet with the glowing moonlit rays.

Begin anew with me and laugh with joy’s delight —
Bounding with waves of glee that kiss goodbye numbness of the night.

Begin anew... begin fresh... and begin with no blemish to find
A clean slate, a steady pace, and a new state of mind.

The view is endless, the sky seamless, and the landscape barely grown
For you and I to leap, dance, and run fearlessly into the world yet unknown.
Over hill and though the valley on mountaintop we’ll soar —
In the valley we shall never tarry, but along the peaceful river’s shore.

There find rest and fill our cups to continue our present climb
For one day in life’s journey, the pending toll may take its time.
For our once happy, joyful song shall never come to a hopeless, lonely end
For as we continue along our pathway, there is always help to lend.

So — begin anew with me — dancing, singing, as we freely run.
Boundless leaps, endless songs into the daunting rays beneath the sun.

January's Poem from 'A Year in Words' Poem Series
Written by: Amanda Griffith

Sensory Poems

A sensory poem describes a scene, an object, or an idea with vivid words that appeal to the five senses.

It tells how the subject looks, feels, smells, tastes, and sounds.


Pine Trees

Pine Trees are giants in my life.
Songs of the wind whistling wistfully fill my mind.
Aromas of the unmistakable smell of pine needles after a hard rain rise up.
Imagine the tiny yellow wildflowers tasting the morning dew.
Visions of tall silhouettes look like men dancing in the sky.
It feels like my childhood – rough, raw, and real.
Bare feet running down the gravel road.
Pine Trees are giants in my life.

By Amanda Griffith/2022


Little Authors – Acrostic Poems

Pretty pumpkins resting

Under the moonlight.

Mom is a pumpkin and we are too!

Pie and Candy – mom named us…

Kind love to ALL my pumpkins

In the spooky night sky!

Never-ending love!

– Jaycee Demoss


Paint them.

Under the stars.

Making Pie.

Pretty Decorations.

Kids Painting.


National Festivities.

– Abagail Scarbrough


Piles of candy

Under the bed

Make for a delicious snack.



It’s Halloween because

No one is without candy.

– Ethan Hobbs


Pumpkins here and pumpkins there…

Under a tree and at the fair.

Many are orange, some are not…

Pumpkin patches sure have a lot!!!

Keep them plain or carve a face…

I display mine on a book case.

Nibble on seeds, or bake a pie…

Some day I’ll look back with a sigh.

– Lilly L.


Pieces of candy wrappers

Under the bed

Make for bad cavities…

People said “no”, but I did it anyway.

Keep the wrappers in the trash can mom said, but

I put the wrappers under the bed

No, mom said, and I got grounded.

– Kaitlyn Blow


Peace on Earth




King Jack Pumpkin

I love the Holidays!


–  Kinzlee Clower


P is for 10 push ups.

U is for 10 up beats.


P is for plank to position for 10 seconds.

K is for 10 Kit Kats.

I is for invent an exercise.

N is for do the Night Crawler!

 – Kylin Trammel