“The Fire in the Madhouse at the End of Time; Pointillism; in the style of Vincent Van Gogh”
7th/8th Grade Art
Monday 6 – Friday 10
- Weekly Lesson/Topic – Appropriation Art
- Sketch Warm-Ups 3.1 -3.3
- Design/Sketch/Draw a winter scene using the concept of “Appropriation Art”, by borrowing Van Gogh’s Starry Night and incorporating it in the background.
- After you have sketched it out, paint your design on Canvas
- IAppropriation Art Vocabulary Assignment Due by 01/10
- Mount your Snowflake Sketch (2.17) – Due by 01/10
Monday 13 -Friday 17
- Weekly Lesson/Topic/Project- “Come Monet with Me” Impressionism Paintings using his technique of “Broken Color”
- Sketch Warm-Ups 3.4 -3.7
- Design/Sketch/Draw and recreate a famous Monet Painting Scene. Using Appropriation you may add a few of your own elements to it as long as the painting stays within the context of Impressionist Styles and elements.
- After you have sketched it out, paint your design on Canvas
- “Impressionism Artists of the Ages” Assignment Due by 01/10
- Mount your “Bouquet of Flowers Sketch” or your “Eye of the Beholder” Sketch – Due by 01/17
Monday 20 – Friday 24
- Weekly Lesson/Topic/Project – “Come Monet with Me” Companion Piece on mini canvas.
- Sketch Warm-Ups 3.8 -3.10
- Design/Sketch/Draw and recreate a companion piece to your famous Monet Painting Scene. This is an Impressionism Design of your own design and creation that will complement or contrast your Monet piece. Please make sure the painting stays within the context of Impressionist Styles and elements.
- After you have sketched it out, paint your design on Canvas.
- Researching your favorite “Impressionism Artist” Assignment Due by 01/24
- Mount your “Art of Love” Sketch – Due by 01/24
Monday 27 – Friday 31
- Weekly Lesson/Topic/Project – The Impressionism Technique “Pointillism”
- Focus on studying various Vincent Van Gogh paintings.
- Sketch Warm-Ups 3.11 -3.14
- Remember how Impressionist artists like to capture images without many details? Now, it’s our turn to make artworks using an Impressionist technique called “pointillism.” To create this technique:
- Pick an artwork from the following templates
- Use the round end of a pencil and dip it in paint.
- Fill in the entire painting with different colors.
Materials Needed: Coloring sheets, paints in different color, the round eraser end of a pencil.
- 8 Impressionism Artists who used Pointillism Assignment Due by 01/24
- Mount your “Pointillism Project” – Due by 01/31
Disclaimer: Weekly lesson plans may change or be modified based on student progress on any given day.