I am delighted to be teaching 6th Grade Flutes & Art class this year at White Oak ISD, as well as serve as the SpEd Case Manager for 6th -8th graders! I was born and raised in the East Texas area, originally graduating from Tatum ISD  – I attended East Texas Baptist University to obtain my BA degree in Music Performance, eventually attending SFASU to work towards my Master’s degree in Secondary Education. I also obtained my teaching certificates in EC-12 Music and EC-12 Special Education and I have plans to continue my education as an educator because it is never time to stop LEARNING, no matter how old you are!

I have two beautiful children, Eden Grace (21) and Randy (13). Eden just graduated from Tyler Junior College with her Associates Degree and is a junior at U.T. Tyler working towards her BA Degree in Psychology. Randy is an 8th grader, who loves both sports and music!  I also have three step-children – Connor Griffith (22), Cole Griffith (21), and Camryn Griffith (16) who are all very talented. Connor is in the Air Force, Cole is an aspiring musician like his dad, and Camryn is an all around athlete and musician. My late husband, Johnny Griffith, was an Operations Manager for Tejas Hydraulics in Longview for 20 years, and a talented keyboardist for the  local East Texas band, Dagnabbit for the past 15 years.

I have been working in education in some form or fashion since graduating from ETBU in 2002. I am passionate about the growth and education of children and seeing the goals we set for them come to fruition.  Outside of being an educator, I am a professional flutist, amateur photographer,  lover of literature, long distance runner, and a nature enthusiast.

I am excited about the possibilities of this year and I cannot wait to meet you!

Mrs. Griffith