7th/8th Grade Art
Monday 07 – Friday 11
- Sketch Warm-Ups 1.21-24
- Weekly Lesson/Project -Acrylic on Canvas/Day of the Dead
- Sketch your skull on paper
- Paint your skull on rock
- Day of the Dead/Art History Vocabulary Assignment
- Mount your “Pumpkin Harvest Picture” on Black Mounting Paper
Monday 14 – Friday 18
- Sketch Warm-Ups 2.1-2.3
- Weekly Lesson/Project – Mandalas, Zentangles, and Zendalas
- Create your design on paper using markers/pens
- Paint your design on rock using dot tools
- Mandala Vocabulary Assignment
- Mount your “Skeleton Key Picture” on Black Mounting Paper
Remember No School Thursday or Friday! Enjoy your fall break!
Disclaimer: Weekly lesson plans may change or be modified based on student progress on any given day.